Gregor's Room

Gregor's Room:
In- Progress Pictures:

Final Pictures:


Gregor's life became completely turned upside down when he woke up one day and transformed into a bug. His room becomes his prion while also his only place of comfort, and I wanted to convey this in my piece. I depicted his room in shades of mold and dirt, I wanted his room to feel dirty and gross while also having a feeling of coziness. His bed looks smushed as if it had been crushed by the weight of Gregor. And all his furniture is small to this proportion to show how crushed he felt. The wall was depicted as if it was molding and falling apart, covered in bug prints from Gregor crawling all over it. The room was lonely and bare, for he could only have the essentials once he had turned.  This piece captures Gregor's discomfort and demise as his life slowly rots away as he grows more and more bug like everyday. 
